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Below are some tips that I want to share for those looking to revolutionize their dental health.  Early tooth loss is an epidemic in the US.  I started this work to help save my own teeth.  I hope this information can help others save time and avoid unnecessary suffering!

#1  Drinking quality water consistently throughout the day has numerous benefits on our bodies but especially our teeth.  First, drinking plain water rinses off loose debris in our mouth and neutralizes acids from our complex diets.  Additionally, our teeth remineralize through our saliva. Remineralization can not do occur when your mouth is all dried up.  In fact even breathing through our mouths during the day or night is not ideal for helping promote remineralization because it dries the mouth out.

   Please make sure your water is filtered at least through a basic gravity fed carbon filter (apx30$).  There are so many contaminants in most tap water sources and even the chlorine on its own will kill the beneficial flora in your mouth and stomach.  The biosphere of the mouth is now a major focal point of advanced dentistry. You don't have to afford expensive testing and doctors. In terms of beneficial or harmful bacteria colonies, there is some common sense that can be applied.

#2  Floss!! 

   I recommend Dr, Tungs floss, (apx 4$) and if can it is totally worth it to buy a Water Pic (apx 75$) water flosser.   I personally use both.  Dr. Tung's can be hard to find but it is the best because it expands in between your teeth as your using it and pulls out way more plaque and gunk.   Using a water flosser machine after your basic string floss will make you feel like royalty.  Once you get used to it you will find a water flosser is the only way to get under the gum line 100% clean which is even more important that the visible tooth.  I think Water Pic the company has some questionable models so I read the reviews thoroughly before picking which one, but that is still the manufacturer I use!

#3  Clean your toothbrush with each use!  

  While many people are not aware the dish sponge and the toothbrush head are the highest bacteria count items items in an average household.  Basically if you do not sanitize your toothbrush in between each use the little nasty bacteria live in there and proliferate ready to reinfect your mouth the next time you brush.  I personally use hydrogen peroxide on my toothbrush head and then rinse it with water after use and then DRY it before storing!  This practice has to do with the bioflora like mentioned in tip one.  It is also advised that if you have harmful bacteria in the form of cavities or gingivitis that you do not share with your children as you can pass on those harmful strains of bacteria.  On the other hand if either parent has excellent dental health it is advised to share utensils or drinks with your children as that can pass on the healthy colonies.

  Taking probiotics and eating prebiotics is another step in developing healthy flora.  I use goodbelly water Kiefer and I personally enjoy things like sauerkraut, organic yogurt, and sweet potatoes for my supplements. 

  #4 Get plenty of rest and don't stress!

  Stress is a killer and so is sleep deprivation.  Both of these destructive lifestyle habits are prevalent in the US workforce.  I don't have such a simple solution for the false scarcity and feudalism which is being enforced which is a root cause, but it is natural common sense that if you keep pushing your body too hard it will fall apart like any sensitive machine.  Remember God gave and sustains your body, not Caesar!

 #5  Intermittent fasting throughout the day has many benefits on the body, especially the teeth.  Our teeth can not effectively heal and remineralize if we are constantly using them for digestion of foods.  Taking a break from eating or drinking anything but water for a few hours gives them that chance to remineralize.  Try not to snack all day and instead choose to set aside at least one three hours segment of the waking day for your teeth to rest.  Two three hour segments consuming just water is even better.

#6 Eating pure dark chocolate has been found to have a positive effect on your teeth working from the inside out.  In fact in one study rats fed a diet that included cacao as a rate of 5% had a 20 percent  reduction in cavities.  That right, rats don't even brush!  99 percent of the global cacao commodities market is slave traded so please pick fair trade certified cacao.  If a chocolate product is less than 30 percent sugar I consider that a supplement.  If the chocolate contains more sugar than that, some of the benefits cancel out.  From my research it is primarily the cacao powder and not the cacao butter which contains the theobromine.  Cacao butter has numerous benefits for our body though. Cacao powder is what is used for hot chocolate after the butter has been removed.  That is acceptable for the purpose of supplementing your dental health. I personally like to make my hot chocolate with the paste which can be harder to find.

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